The Power of Traditions at Christmas
Dear Readers,
It’s that time of year again…where did the year go? It really crept up on us!
For many, Christmas is a wonderful time, full of happy memories, and warm feelings. The various Christmas traditions people have serve an important function in this regard. Happy memories are often tied up with, for example, putting up a Christmas tree, decorations, and with traditional foods shared with family. For others, Christmas may not be associated with such good memories. If the holiday season brings up bad memories for you, perhaps you can start a new tradition of your own? When you think about it, the traditions you lived as a child were introduced by someone before you – they may even stretch back decades!
So, take the first step, and begin to create new and happy memories for yourself, and those you care for. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, complicated, or expensive. What’s important is it’s something you feel excited about. Let it serve as an anchor for the years to come. allowing it to grow and develop, and nourish you as time goes by. In this way, it is also serves a gift for those you share it with.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a peaceful, joyful and restful Christmas, and a happy New Year – may be a better one for all of us.
Best Wishes,