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Learn a new inner language, and discover new horizons!

Dear reader,

I just wanted to share a few thoughts with you on how we can become kinder to ourselves by changing our inner self-talk. 

On a visit to the doctor today, I had a conversation with the medical assistant. This young lady was interested in my surname, as she thought it was not German. Of course, she was correct; it is an Irish name. I was curious why she was interested, so I asked her if could she speak English, to which she replied she could speak fluent English – her parents had made a point of bringing up their children with languages – English, and French too, as well as their native German, of course. I think that’s just great. Think of the opportunities that are open to you when you learn a new language – travel, personal, and career opportunities you might otherwise not have – the world is your oyster.

I believe we can also learn a new “inner language”, a way of speaking to ourselves which is kind and compassionate. If you tend to be hard on yourself, you may also tend to be critical on the people around you too. Of course, this is something which your “wise self” deeply knows you do not want. So how do you get to learn this new kind inner-language? Yes, there are scores of excellent self-help books available which you might try. However, if you have been highly self-critical for many years, this may prove to be too much of a challenge to undertake on your own, with the result you may become discouraged and demotivated. Coaching can help you on your journey. Why not give yourself gift of the unconditional support of a personal coach? I can help you identify the unhelpful language patterns which hold you back, and help you to reach your desired goal of being kinder to yourself. Just as in learning a new foreign language, learning a new inner, self-loving language opens up new opportunities, which can totally change your world – for the better!

So, be kind to yourself today, and this Christmas season. It can be a stressful time, but everyone is doing their best, including you. Give yourself space if you need it, even if it’s only to take a few calm breaths.

You’re such a great person – a unique creation in the universe!

Best wishes,
